More Registration - Higher Level - Lower Price
  • 市场用户
  • 普通用户
  • 高级用户
  • 资深投资用户
More Registration
市场用户 普通用户 高级用户 资深投资用户
* No annual fee * No membership fee * No any hidden fee
免费 $0 ¥1200 ¥3600 ¥9000
.CN/.COM.CN ¥45 ¥33 ¥30 ¥30
.BIZ ¥203 ¥163 ¥155 ¥155
.ORG ¥156 ¥129 ¥124 ¥124
.TW ¥436 ¥303 ¥279 ¥279
.JP ¥954 ¥843 ¥823 ¥823
.MY ¥823 ¥619 ¥580 ¥580
  Upgrade to Basic Upgrade to Super Upgrade to VIP


    • 服务优势
    • 1. Quick + Easy + Competitive prices
    • 2. 7/24 technical support
    • 3. Simple online ticket system
    • 4. Professional+Considerate+Bilingual account representative
    • 5. 1 to 1 solution guarantee
    • 产品优势
    • 1. Fully automated system
    • 2. Supplyual membership fee
    • 3. All management in one simple-stupid client control panel
    • 4. Attractive bulk discounts
    • 5. Reseller level upgraded based on accumulated consumption
    • 6. No annual membership fee
  • 地址
  • 香港公司:香港铜锣湾百德新街恒隆中心1704室
  • 美国公司:1942 Broadway St.STE 314C Boulder CO 80302 US
    电话:+1(220)800 1201